Nacos 2.3.1 版本发布,支持UI深色模式 | Nacos 官网
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Nacos 2.3.1 版本发布,支持UI深色模式

Nacos 2.3.1 版本发布

Nacos 2.3.1 主要对 2.3.0版本 进行了一些增强和Bug修复,以提高易用性和稳定性。
关于Nacos2.3.1的详细change log,请查看:

## Feature
[#9001] Support snowFlakeInstanceId by SPI.
[#11441][#11708] Add console UI Dark mode.
## Enhancement&Refactor
[#10846] Support metricsfor grpc server executor and grpc request.
[#11053] Enhance Nacos Client Failover Logic.
[#11306] Change the length of the field named resource from 255 to 128.
[#11514] Check server stream ready state to avoid bytebuffer back up in flow control pending write queue.
[#11518] Enhance the timed incremental reconciliation for configuration center.
[#11521] Add UT coverage for config module.
[#11526] Add service info log when client receive server push data.
[#11571] Fix Persistent services load snapshot will casue data inconsistent by thread safety.
[#11601] Enhance to remove check auth identity key and value for standalone mode.
[#11612] Unified use of NameThreadFactory to create thread pools.
[#11618] Add the config of max thread count for client worker & naming polling.
[#11658] Enhance dump configuration logic to reduce network traffic.
[#11695] Fix PreviousConfigHistory show encrypted configuration problem.
[#11670] Remove direct read logic for configuration center when starting with derby.
## BugFix
[#10752] Fix Prometheus sd api security is not compatiable with nacos original security configs.
[#11416] Fix connection count of current node is not accurate.
[#11459] Fix RowMapper is required problem in embedded storage with cluster.
[#11489] Fix PageHandlerAdapterFactory initHandlerAdapters error.
[#11493] Fix service name group check in nacos client.
[#11494] Fix Login api request frequently when disabled auth with 2.x client.
[#11497] Fix ClassCastException when `nacos.plugin.datasource.log.enabled=true`.
[#11499] Fix address server health check error.
[#11573][#11619][#11624][#11626] Fix default control plugin invalid problem.
[#11595] Fix user update permission problem.
[#11647] Fix logged raft-config always `{}` problem.
[#11654] Fix server don't send its abilities if client don't send its abilities when setting up connection.
[#11679] Fix totalpush count cannot increase when push fail.
[#11718] Fix ErrorCode have the same code.
[#11701] Fix BatchRegister service might cause distro sync handle exception and data delay after timeout.
## Dependency
[#11473] Upgrade logback to 1.2.13.
[#11586] Remove deprecated dependency api of spring security.
[#11422] Upgrade Jraft to 1.3.14.
[#11777] Upgrade console-ui dependencies by `npm audit fix` to fix some ui security.


2.X 后续计划

社区计划下一个版本为2.4.0版本,这个版本将作为2.X到3.0的一个过渡版本, 会对Nacos2.X版本中的一些遗留问题、稳定性和可运维功能做出一定优化和增强;同时对架构作出一定重构,以更好的适配后续Nacos3.0的升级。

3.0 计划

Nacos社区同时也开启了关于Nacos3.0 的畅想和规划,Nacos将会从统一控制面、支持国产化、存储计算分离等方向进一步演进Nacos的功能和架构,欢迎社区积极参与到新版本的建设中。


About Nacos

Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。
Nacos 帮助您更敏捷和容易地构建、交付和管理微服务平台。 Nacos 是构建以“服务”为中心的现代应用架构 (例如微服务范式、云原生范式) 的服务基础设施。