Nacos 多个新版本发布,rust-sdk完全适配完成 | Nacos 官网
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Nacos 多个新版本发布,rust-sdk完全适配完成

Nacos社区新年后好事不断,先是年初在电子标准院2022年度开源成熟度评估中被评为优秀贰级,同时获得了CSDN年度开发者影响力项目InfoQ 十大开源新锐项目;随后又发布了许多新版本,其中包括Nacos 2.2.1、 1.4.5、rust-sdk 0.2.3 以及 go-sdk 2.2.0版本;在同学们的积极参与下,社区也是又增加了3位新的Committer。


Nacos 2.2.1

Nacos 2.2.1版本主要针对Nacos社区于12月发布的2.2.0版本进行了一系列的升级以及修复,例如通过logback-adapter适配了新版本的logback、升级了grpc、jraft等依赖,从而升级了对应的netty和rocksdb版本,解决旧版本netty的安全漏洞和rocksdb对于ARM64、M1芯片架构的直接支持。 功能方面,新增一个Beta功能,支持Grpc的TLS功能,用户可在服务端和客户端分别加载CA文件,保证传输过程中的数据进行加密。

在客户端层面,新增了服务发现模块对Aliyun STS鉴权模式的支持,以及对GraalVM的支持。

插件方面,为多数据源插件添加了打印SQL的功能,方面插件开发者或使用者获得插件所生成的SQL,减少排查问题的时间; 同时对默认鉴权插件进行了一定重构,移除了对jjwt的依赖同时提升性能、移除token.secret.keynacos.core.auth.server.identity.keynacos.core.auth.server.identity.value的默认值并提醒用户配置自定义的token.secret.keynacos.core.auth.server.identity.keynacos.core.auth.server.identity.value以提高安全性,具体情况请查看风险公告


2.2.1 版本更多具体变更内容可参考变更日志:

## feature
[#9276] Add search config by content.
[#9703] add catalog v2 API to support list instances which is un-enabled.
[#9710] Support prometheus-sd basic auth.
[#9888] Beta support Grpc TLS feature.
[#10062] Naming support aliyun STS auth.
## Enhancement&Refactor
[#9510] Add sql log print function.
[#9646] Replace concatenated strings with placeholders.
[#9708] Clean expired and invalid connections for HTTP client.
[#9783] Handle public namespaceId as default namespaceId for publish and query config for V2 http api.
[#9837] Enhance Grpc connected time when cluster started to load snapshot quickly.
[#9859] Refactor default auth plugin, use custom JWT instead of jjwt.
[#9860] Adapt logback 1.4.5 by SPI.
[#9885] Add prometheus api exception handling.
[#9949] Use Grpc replace all Http request between servers.
[#9951] Judge the message whether `null` for metadata processor.
[#10084] Client use Async appender to print log.
## BugFix
[#9621] Fix Config Client server check always up problem.
[#9728] Fix prometheus http sd only return public namespace problem.
[#9732] Fix namespace v2 api auth not work problem.
[#9734] Fix http login url without default port problem.
[#9795] Fix export config failure problem for non admin user after opening auth.
[#9816] Fix redo data is different from server when register and unregister service with concurrency.
[#9819] Fix update password failure problem after use nginx.
[#9825] Fix config histroy page paged problem.
[#9861] Fix auth check before distro filter.
[#9862] Fix LDAP login failed.
[#9943] Fix Config cas update can't work when using derby database.
[#10014] Clear confused logic about namespace properties.
[#10038] Fix load failover file failure.
## Dependency
[#9504][#9767] Upgeade-spring-boot version to 2.6.14.
[#9789] Upgrade jraft version to 1.3.12.
[#9772] Upgrade Grpc version to 1.50.2.
[#9985] Replace flatten-maven-plugin with easyj-maven-plugin.
[#10091] Upgrade snakeYaml to 2.0.

Nacos 1.4.5

Nacos 1.4.5版本基于1.4.4版本,将部分合并在2.X的问题和优化,同步到最新的1.X版本中,具体内容可查看变更日志:

# Enhancement
[#9064] Enhance error message and error code by merging #9045 and #8881 into v1.x.
[#10089] Enhance STS auth for naming and async client log into v1.x.
# BugFix
[#3720] Fix not admin user can change others password by api.
[#8979] Fix some ui problem by merging #8787、#8156 and #7364 into the v1.
[#9020] Fix startup failed without prefix CUSTOM_SEARCH_LOCATIONS.
# Dependency
[#8541] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.8.

Nacos-Rust-SDK 0.2.3

Nacos-Rust-SDK 在年前已经完成了对配置中心的功能适配, 经过社区同学的积极贡献,Nacos-Rust-SDK 0.2.3版本终于完成了所有功能的适配,同时还能够绑定到nodejs中使用。欢迎正在使用rust的同学使用,并反馈意见。

* enhance: add some debug log by @onewe
* chore: some logic optimization. by @CherishCai
* add some unit tests by @onewe
* chore: Optimize and Unified code.
* ci: fix codecov tarpaulin with 0.22.0
* chore: try exclude tls openssl by @CherishCai
* [ISSUES #100] Change: naming api register_instance/select_instances by @onewe
* doc: link to nacos-sdk-rust-binding-node by @CherishCai
* [ISSUES #102] fix naming changed service log by @onewe
* [ISSUES #101] env cq count decrease to 1 by @onewe
* [ISSUES #107] Add asynchronous api by @onewe
* chore: upgrade version to 0.2.3 by @CherishCai

Nacos-Go-SDK 2.2.0

Nacos-Go-SDK 2.2.0 支持了批量注册服务的batchRegister接口,同时修复了一些旧版本bug,具体内容可查看变更日志:

* config center support for disable local cache by @wangdongyun in #565
* support batch register by @binbin0325 in #573
* refine grpc_client by @binbin0325 in #574
* fix MaxInt64 overflows on ARM 32-bits by @bavelee in #575
* fix panic for rpc errorResponse by @binbin0325 in #577
* fix QueryInstancesOfService clusters by @binbin0325 in #578


2.X 后续计划

从2021年3月 2.0.0正式版发布至今,2.X版本已经走了接近2年时间,如今2.2.1版本发布,说明2.X版本已经逐渐成熟稳定,在2.X的后续计划中,除了鼓励社区中提供和完善已有的插件多种实现以外,依旧会为其易用性和扩展性进一步增强,添加更多的插件功能:

  • 寻址插件
  • 配置变更钩子插件

3.0 计划


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About Nacos

Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。

Nacos 帮助您更敏捷和容易地构建、交付和管理微服务平台。 Nacos 是构建以“服务”为中心的现代应用架构 (例如微服务范式、云原生范式) 的服务基础设施。

