2.4.0-BETA发布,欢迎试用 | Nacos 官网
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经过社区的大量贡献,Nacos 2.4.0版本终于进入的Beta发布阶段,这个版本支持许多新功能:

其他主要功能包括支持Nacos集群节点之间的TLS Grpc通信作为可选功能,以提高Nacos的安全性,这意味着Nacos不仅支持客户端和服务器之间的TLS通信。


第三个主要功能是在Nacos控制台中支持一些配置的使用,并为插件提供更多增强使用,例如支持将所有元数据添加到Prometheus SD协议和支持阿里云RAM V4签名。


Nacos 移除默认密码



Nacos集群节点之间的TLS Grpc通信

此次版本同样支持了,Nacos集群节点之间的TLS Grpc通信作为可选功能,以提高Nacos的安全性,这意味着Nacos不仅支持客户端和服务器之间的TLS通信。





除了上述改动,Nacos2.4.0版本还支持了:将所有元数据添加到Prometheus SD协议、支持阿里云RAM V4签名、配置中心控制台的使用优化、修复大量bug及升级部分依赖以修复安全漏洞等,具体的变更内容请参考:

## Feature
[#10374] Support naming custom selectors and support service diff events.
[#11456] Support TLS Grpc communication between Nacos cluster nodes.
[#11847] Nacos console support publish config with cas.
[#11943] Record users for import configs.
[#11957] Remove default password for user `nacos`.
[#12130] Add metadata as labels in prometheus http sd.
[#12162] Support aliyun ram v4 signature method.
## Enhancement&Refactor
[#11956] Refactor nacos client logging module, use SPI load current logger adapter.
[#12013] Enhance to fast config Nacos memory setting in startup.sh by environment CUSTOM_NACOS_MEMORY.
[#12072] Support does not impose any limit when totalCountLimit is less than 0.
[#12166] Enhance nacos client init properties logger.
[#12177] Update console header link to new nacos.io.
## BugFix
[#10639] Fix the `encrypted_data_key` is text type so that old version can't upgrade directly.
[#11902] Fix leak of request and response for java native runtime for nacos-client.
[#11926] Fix Nacos can't triggle self protection when disk full in some OS.
[#11951] Fix the problem that the serviceName and groupName are not resolved correctly when deleting an empty service instance.
[#11967] Fix Config can't publish and listen when dataId contains some special words in Window OS.
[#11968] Fix Multiple config change plugin implementation configuration conflicts problem.
[#12022] Fix nacos datasource plugin ClassCastException problem.
[#12060] Fix too large ttl when auth disabled.
[#12146] Fix the operation type does not display when rolling back a configuration with a delete operation type.
[#12168] Fix the labels of the query conditions on the Permission Control - Role Management page are still displayed in Chinese after switching the system language to English.
## Dependency
[#11904] Bump Spring Security to 5.7.12.
[#11975] Remove unused dependency javatuple.
[#11980] Bump spring framework to 5.3.34.
[#12135] Upgrade module naocs-console from junit4 to junit5.

Nacos Go SDK 2.2.6发布

Nacos Go SDK 2.2.6版本 主要对旧版本存在的许多BUG进行修复,同时支持TLS的gRPC请求,欢迎升级新版本使用,具体变更如下:

* [FIX #716] fix the monitor in naming_grpc_proxy. by @brotherlu-xcq in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/717
* fix too many logger fault by @Kuri-su in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/722
* nacos-go-sdk support grpc tls by @shiyiyue1102 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/746
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/748
* 🐞 fix:Adjust lock order to address concurrency issue by @XiaoK29 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/740
* fix panic when server push request has request headers. by @brotherlu-xcq in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/739
* Fix unit test failed of logger package. by @wangjian-pg in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/734
* support app connection labels by @shiyiyue1102 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/754
* Bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.30.0 to 1.33.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/732
* fix: auth login failed in address mode. (#728) by @xiaomiusa87 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/730
* grpc add log by @binbin0325 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/757
* refine redo subscribe by @binbin0325 in https://github.com/nacos-group/nacos-sdk-go/pull/758


2.X 后续计划

从2021年3月 2.0.0正式版发布至今,2.X版本已经走了接近2年时间,如今2.4.0版本发布,针对默认密码等安全问题和其他强烈诉求进行优化和支持,在之后的2.4.X版本中,会主要对当前版本的问题进行修复,并做出小范围的功能优化。同时对于2.5.0版本,会作为一个Nacos3.0的过度版本,对大量代码进行优化重构,在提升稳定性、健壮性的同时,提升易用性和可观测性,向Nacos3.0版本平稳过度。

3.0 计划

Nacos社区同时也开启了关于Nacos3.0 的畅想和规划,Nacos将会从统一控制面、支持国产化、存储计算分离等方向进一步演进Nacos的功能和架构,欢迎社区积极参与到新版本的建设中。



About Nacos

Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。

Nacos 帮助您更敏捷和容易地构建、交付和管理微服务平台。 Nacos 是构建以“服务”为中心的现代应用架构 (例如微服务范式、云原生范式) 的服务基础设施。

