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Addressing Plugin

Starting with version 2.3.0, Nacos supports injecting cluster addressing-related plugins through the SPI mechanism and selecting one of the plugin implementations in the configuration file for actual addressing services. This document will provide a comprehensive guide on implementing an addressing plugin and making it effective.

Note: The addressing plugin is currently in Beta testing, and its APIs and interface definitions may change with subsequent version upgrades. Please ensure your plugin compatibility accordingly.

Overview of Addressing Plugins

Currently, Nacos offers three addressing methods: single-machine addressing, configuration file addressing, and address server addressing. With addressing plugins, users can write their own addressing logic.

Developing Nacos Server-Side Addressing Plugin

To develop a Nacos server-side addressing plugin, first, depend on the relevant API for addressing plugins:


Where ${project.version} corresponds to the Nacos version you are developing the plugin against.

Then, implement the interface and add your implementation to the SPI’s services.

Methods to implement within the interface include:

Method NameInputReturnDescription
startvoidvoidInitiates the addressing function of the plugin.
getServerListvoidListReturns all Nacos cluster node addresses in the format IP:Port.
getPluginNamevoidStringThe name of the plugin; when names clash, the later-loaded plugin overrides the earlier one.
registerListenerConsumer<List>AddressPluginRegisters a listener called when cluster addresses change.
shutdownvoidvoidDisables the plugin.

The abstract class provides default implementations for getServerList, registerListener, and shutdown. Users extending AbstractAddressPlugin only need to implement the remaining methods. The AbstractAddressPlugin has a serverList member variable (List) representing the cluster address collection, which users must maintain after calling the start method.

For configuring plugin-related parameters in the property file, use keys prefixed with address.plugin, accessible via the singleton:

address.plugin.${key} = ${val}

Post-configuration, developers can retrieve parameters through:


Using Server-Side Plugins

After development, package the plugin as a jar/zip and place it in the Nacos server’s classpath or directly into ${nacos-server.path}/plugins.

Modify ${nacos-server.path}/conf/

### Enabled Nacos addressing plugin name, corresponding to `` return value

Restart Nacos cluster, and upon receiving requests, observe logs in ${nacos-server.path}/logs/nacos-cluster.log:

[AddressPluginManager] Load AddressPlugin(xxxx) PluginName(xxx) successfully.

Leveraging Built-in Nacos Addressing Plugins

For backward compatibility, without custom plugins, configurations remain unchanged with nacos.core.member.lookup.type=[file,address-server].

Client-Side Plugins

Implementing Custom Plugins

Nacos client-side users follow similar steps as the server-side for custom addressing plugin implementation. After packaging the developed client plugin into a jar/zip and placing it in the application’s classpath, it automatically takes effect. When initializing NacosConfigService or NacosNamingService, include a property in the passed Properties object with key addressPluginName and value from getPluginName method of the plugin.

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("addressPluginName", ${addressPluginName});
ConfigService configService = NacosFactory.createConfigService(properties);
String content = configService.getConfig(dataId, group, 5000);

Using Built-in Nacos Client-Side Plugins

For Nacos Java client, built-in addressing plugin adaptations ensure compatibility with previous versions. Without custom plugins, client usage remains unchanged.

Addressing Plugins for Other Language Clients

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