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云栖回顾 | 2024 云栖大会微服务和网关相关演讲材料Know more



  • Nacos is an internal micro service component, which needs to run in a trusted internal network. It can not be exposed to the public network environment to prevent security risks.
  • Nacos provides a simple authentication implementation. It is a weak authentication system to prevent business misuse, not a strong authentication system to prevent malicious attacks.
  • If you are running in an untrusted network environment or have strong authentication demands, please refer to the official simple implementation to develop Authentication plugin.
nacos.core.auth.enabledfalse1.2.0 ~ latestWhether to enable the authentication
nacos.core.auth.system.typenacos1.2.0 ~ latestType of authentication
nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.secret.keySecretKey012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789(No default since ~ latestUsed to generate the key used by the user to login to the temporary accessToken in the default authentication plugin. Using the default value is a security risk.
nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.expire.seconds180002.1.0 ~ latestExpiration time of user login temporary accessToken
nacos.core.auth.enable.userAgentAuthWhitefalse1.4.1 ~ latestWhether to use the useragent whitelist, mainly used to adapt to the upgrade of the old version, Setting true is a security risk
nacos.core.auth.server.identity.keyserverIdentity(No default since 2.2.1)1.4.1 ~ latestUsed to replace the identification key of the useragent whitelist, Using the default value is a security risk
nacos.core.auth.server.identity.valuesecurity(No default since 2.2.1)1.4.1 ~ latestIt is used to replace the identification value of the useragent whitelist, Using the default value is a security risk
nacos.core.auth.default.token.secret.keySecretKey0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891.2.0 ~ 2.0.4Same as nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.secret.key
nacos.core.auth.default.token.expire.seconds180001.2.0 ~ 2.0.4Same as nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.expire.seconds

Use Authentication in Servers

Without Docker

By default, no login is required to start following the official document configuration, which can expose the configuration center directly to the outside world. However, if the authentication is enabled, one can use nacos only after he configures the user name and password.

Before enabling authentication, the configuration in is as follow:

### If turn on auth system:

After enabling authentication, the configuration in is as follow:

### If turn on auth system:

Custom SecretKey

After enabling authentication, you can customize the key used to generate JWT tokens,the configuration in is as follow:


  1. The secret key provided in the document is a public key. Please replace it with other secret key content during actual deployment to prevent security risks caused by secret key leakage.
  2. After version, the community release version will remove the following value as the default value in the document, which needs to be filled in by yourself, otherwise the node cannot be started.
  3. The secret key needs to be consistent between nodes, and if it is inconsistent for a long time, it may cause 403 invalid token error.
### The default token(Base64 String):
### Since 2.1.0

When customizing the key, it is recommended to set the configuration item to a Base64 encoded string, and the length of the original key must not be less than 32 characters. For example the following example:

### The default token(Base64 String):
### Since 2.1.0

Attention: the authentication switch takes effect immediately after the modification, and there is no need to restart the server. When dynamic modifing token.secret.key, Please make sure the new value is valid, otherwise the login and request will fail.

With Docker

Official images

If you choose to use official images, please add the following environment parameter when you start a docker container.

Terminal window

For example, you can run this command to run a docker container with Authentication:

Terminal window
docker run --env PREFER_HOST_MODE=hostname \
--env MODE=standalone \
--env NACOS_AUTH_ENABLE=true \
-p 8848:8848 nacos/nacos-server

Besides, you can also add the other related enviroment parameters:

NACOS_AUTH_ENABLEIf turn on auth systemdefault
NACOS_AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDSThe token expiration in secondsdefault :18000
NACOS_AUTH_TOKENThe default tokendefault
NACOS_AUTH_CACHE_ENABLETurn on/off caching of auth information. By turning on this switch, the update of auth information would have a 15 seconds delay.default : false

Custom images

If you choose to use custom images, please modify the before you start nacos, change this line




Authentication in Clients

Authentication in Java SDK

The user name and password should be set when creating a ‘Properties’ class.


Example Code

try {
// Initialize the configuration service, and the console automatically obtains the following parameters through the sample code.
String serverAddr = "{serverAddr}";
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("serverAddr", serverAddr);
// if need username and password to login
ConfigService configService = NacosFactory.createConfigService(properties);
} catch (NacosException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Authentication in Other languages SDK


Authentication in Open-API

Firstly, the user name and password should be provided to login.

curl -X POST '' -d 'username=nacos&password=nacos'

If the user name and password are correct, the response will be:


Secondly, when using configuration services or naming services, accessToken in the previous response should be provided. To use the accessToken, ‘accessToken=${accessToken}’ should be appended at the end of request url, e.g.,

curl -X GET ''
curl -X POST ''

Open feature for token cache

Since version 2.2.1 of the server, the default authentication plug-in module supports the feature of token cache, see ISSUE #9906


Regardless of the client SDK or OpenAPI, after calling the login interface to obtain the accessToken, carry the accessToken to access the server, and the server parses the token for authentication. The action of token parsing is time-consuming. If you want to improve the performance of the server, you can consider enabling the feature of caching tokens, which using string comparison instead of token parsing.

Way to open



Before enabling the feature of token cache, the server will generate a new token for each request carrying a username and password to access the login interface. The tokenTtl field in the return value of login interface is equal to the value set in the server configuration file. The configuration is as follows:


After enabling the feature of token cache, the server will first check whether the token corresponding to the username exists in cache for each request to access the login interface with username and password. If it does not exist, generate a new token, insert it into the cache and return it to requester; if it exists, return the token to requester, and the value of the tokenTtl field is the value set in the configuration file minus the duration of the token stored in the cache. If the token stays in the cache for more than 90% of the value set in the configuration file, when the login interface receives a request, although the token corresponding to the username exists in the cache, the server will regenerate the token and return it to the requester, and update cache. Therefore, in the worst case, the tokenTtl received by the requester is only 10% of the value set in the configuration file.

Open feature for server identity

After the authentication feature is enabled, requests between servers will also be affected by the authentication system. Considering that the communication between the servers should be credible, during the 1.2~1.4.0 version, Nacos server use whether the User-Agent includes Nacos-Server to determine whether the request comes from other servers.

However, this implementation is too simple and fixed, leading to possible security issues. Therefore, since version 1.4.1, Nacos has added the server identification feature. Users can configure the identity of the server by themselves, and no longer use User-Agent as the judgment standard for server requests.

Way to open server identity

### Open authentication
### Shutdown user-agent judgement for server request
### Config the server identity key(not empty) and value(not empty)

Attention All servers in cluster need to be configured with the same server.identity information, otherwise it may cause data inconsistency between servers or failure to delete instances.

Upgrade from old version

Considering that users of the old version need to upgrade, users can turn on the nacos.core.auth.enable.userAgentAuthWhite=true during upgrading, and turn off it after the cluster is upgraded to 1.4.1 completely and runs stably.